The National Committee are interested to hear from any clubs or individuals looking at hosting a competition during the 2020 season. We would like to get dates put onto our calendar and help you in organising and promoting your event.
Please email your application to comps@canoepolo.ie with the name of the competition, the dates that you are planning to hold the competition on and the proposed location of the event. If applications could be in by November 30th it would be much appreciated.
The National Committee are also looking for clubs to host the Irish International Open and the Irish Club Championships
Club Champs 11th-12th July 2020 (provisional)
The Club Champs is the qualifying event for the 2020 ECA Canoe Polo Club Championships where Canoeing Ireland Clubs battle it out for the honor of representing Ireland on the European Stage.
The host will organise and run the competition to the standards set by the national committee and complying with the ECA’s requirements. All profits go to the organisers but they must cover the entry fees of qualified teams that travel to the European Club Championships.
Irish International Open 8th-9th August(provisional)
The Irish Open is our biggest international competition of the canoe polo calendar which the National Committee organise and run with the help of the host club. The Committee are looking for a quality venue to host the Irish Open and would require a lend of facilities. This is the committees best way of generating funding to help develop and run the sport in Ireland.
If applying to host the Club Champs or the Irish open please provide location details, facilities and a short reason why your venue should be selected. Please send applications to comps@canoepolo.ie by the 30th November.
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