Learn !
The Canoe Junior Development Programme brings together young players from around the country every month to meet up, learn new skills and play polo. The emphasis is on development and enjoyment, learning from experienced coaches and from each other.
This year we are running 5 development days and a two-day training camp.
Who is it for ?
The programme is open to anyone with basic Kayaking skills aged 8 to 18.
Two Coaches and their assistants are appointed by the Polo Committee, and the sessions are generally divided into different age and skill groups.
Each session focuses on developing particular skills and tactics. A mixture of off-water drills, on-water skills and drills and game play.

Beginners ?
Yes ! In 2018 we expanded the programme to encourage beginners and have continued this into 2019 – We now have a separate beginners group, for juniors with basic paddling skills that want to try Canoe Polo.
Where do we meet ?
The sessions run in host clubs (currently Mullingar Harbour and Kilcock).
To see the events planned for this year please check the calendar
If you or players from your club would like to get involved please email develop@canoepolo.ie.
Whats Next ?
OVERLOAD ! On 15th and 16th August, 2020, we are having our third Overload! event – a two-day training camp in Mullingar. Registration will open in April 2020.